Partner's Park
Photo courtesy of John Combs

Yet another photo of Max and I geocaching together, this time at Partners Park in Marysville, Ohio. We had a great day together complete with a beautiful sunset ending. However, it was at this park I realized for the first time that Max was losing his hearing. I told him I had a treat for him. Normally when he hears the word "treat" his eyes would focus on me much in the same manner a heat seeking missile locks onto a jet engine. Instead he had no response. Now he has always been a dog with selective hearing ("Come!" Nah! Later for that). But this was different. I kept saying it louder and louder until he finally heard me.

As the months progressed his hearing continued to degrade. It broke my heart seeing him decline in this way. Turning to the Internet, I discovered as they age, Shetland Sheepdogs are prone to hearing loss. The cause is degenerative changes in the nerves found inside the ear. I also learned that dogs don't realize this loss and thus indirectly accept it.

Unfortunately, problems grew worse. We have a larger property on a private lane and let our dogs run free of the leash. One day my wife couldn't find Max and called him repeatedly without success. Panic set in and as a last resort my wife told our other dog Indy to go find Max and bring him back. Dog gone it, he actually did! Another incident occurred while in the house. We called him repeatedly and couldn't find him. An intense hunt began with visits to each room while yelling his name and checking his favorite "safe places" underneath or behind furniture. I was beginning to feel the crush of hysteria when my wife opened the door leading into the garage and found him standing there. Evidently, he slipped out when she make a quick trip to the freezer a half hour prior. It may be time to hang an Apple AirTag around his neck.

I've found my senior dog sleeps more deeply and is not awoken by loud noises. In the evening it is difficult calling him from his slumbers for a final potty trip outside. Clapping my hands seems to work occasionally and I am contemplating buy a whistle as well as teaching Max hand signals.
