Engine 557 Restoration Company
Progress Report November 2023

Record snowfall at the beginning of November brought local construction to a halt in the Valley. By month’s end warmer weather and winds had sublimated the snow and we were left with glazed parking lots. The 10 a.m. sunrise back lit the Aurora Winter Train on November 25th. The snow dump also brought a halt to to the expected arrival of track panels to connect the 557 lead. By the time the December Report hits the wire, the days will be getting longer and for us old timers, spring is then just around the corner.

Before the 557 year end fund raiser was kicked off by Dick Morris on November 28, Giving Tuesday, we had received a number of note worthy contributions. Thanks to our major sponsors we have pledges to match your year end gifts dollar for dollar!

Donna Owens, B. F. Parrish and E. Parrish all descendants of ARR Engineer Ben Parish, sent donations in memory of Herb Worthley who recently passed at the age of 96.

Paul Duncan, COO of NS, sent us his scheduled quarterly contribution of $1,250.00. Paul has been a regular supporter since 2016. Jerry and Nan Peters paid a visit on November 22. They came home to Alaska from their retirement cabin in Arkansas for the holidays.

Jerry retired many years ago as the Alaska Railroad Master Mechanic coming up through the ranks as an electrician. He completed the overhaul of our original 6S brake stand in addition to most of the electrical hardware including three Pyle National K240 Dynamos. In their move, Jerry found ring binders full of his work on developing the 557 electrical system and they are now part of our reference library, prized by Ken Elmore, our current master electrician.

What other people say:

From Alaska Railroad Corp President and CEO, Bill O'Leary, "We'll plan on a meeting between 557 and ARRC soon after the first of the year to discuss realistic options (operating model and routes) available for placing the locomotive into service upon planned completion in 2025. In the interim, I think there is benefit to each group independently brainstorming what these options are and narrowing them down to a "most preferred" list in advance, in order to make our time together most productive."

The national media provided a wide range view of the Alaska Railroad during the Centennial year 2023. One is linked here, featuring ARRC President and CEO, Bill O'Leary and many of the cast that keep the trains running in the Last Frontier. Our friend and author of O’l 556, Shannon Cartwright makes an appearance. You can purchase her best seller Ol’ 556 with the third printing addition of four pages on 557 restoration. Prepaid orders arriving with a check for $16.95 will put one in your mail box priority mail. Order two to the same address for a total of $32.00. Orders to:
Engine 557 Restoration
PO Box 875360
Wasilla, AK 99687.

While doing 30 pound air tests on the boiler we found some leaks (actually little fizzles) when we applied soapy water. Jeff DeBroeck got into a contortion to grind out one of these spots on the mud ring caulking to discover a pin hole which was then welded up. A few of the safety welds on stay bolts also needed attention and defects ground out and then seal welded.

Jeff Loffert is taking time to buff up the last blemish on the bronze donut that seals the turret manifold to the auxiliary dry pipe.

Steam tight fittings are a must for the branch pipes connecting the superheater manifold to the cylinder block over each valve body. Patients and time taken to carefully build suitable tooling for the job will pay off in a perfect fit. Jeff Loffert and Jeff DeBroeck have been collaborating on this for the past several weeks. The mandrel is faced with abrasive material and turned in place by the Mag Drill.

Terry Douglas and Jerry Cunnington have been turning out replacement boiler studs from B-7 stock. Some of them were 7/8” for the Steam Dome.

While preparing the 557 boiler Form 4, Robert Franzen required a new Steam Dome Cover with more capacity. The old copper gasket was annealed and reused for preliminary testing. We have since obtained new copper wire from McMaster-Carr to fabricate the finish gasket. Several volunteers have assisted this project but just recently Ken Morton did the finish work and prepared the cover for paint. The portion of the dome cover exposed to steam is painted with Apexior 1 and that exposed to atmosphere is protected by Thermolox.

Support your local Historical Societies, Museums and Tourist Railroads. They are true links to your communities past, present and your future. Help them shine and keep the future bright. Happy Holidays.

There is always something good coming right around the corner!



Patrick J. Durand
President Engine 557 Restoration Company

Make all donations to: Engine 557 Restoration Company at the address below.
An Alaskan 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation

Engine 557 Restoration Company
EIN 46-2663256
PO BOX 875360
Wasilla, Alaska 99687-5360


