Don Prince and John


Thomas Swick writes, “Trains are a voyeuristic pleasure - as close as we get to the fantasy of dying and then looking down on the action, but on buses, you can talk to people, but they’re not always the people you want to talk to.” Travel itself is a privilege - one of the best forms of education, discovery, enlightenment, and in the end, the appreciation of home. Fortunately, I have a pretty companion who shares my love for travel.

Terry and I have embraced forty-four years together including dating and engagement. Throughout our marriage we pursued boundless adventures together deeply inhaling the beautiful diversity this country has to offer. As we aged, our style changed and we were no longer willing to overnight in places like Tupelo, Colorado's "Motel and Gun Shop." Ask me sometime and I will share the events of that night! Although we love our Comfort Inns with a soft bed, clean bathroom and shower, wifi and free breakfast, we are not afraid to get dirty. After all we have backpacked and camped in very remote and rustic regions and experienced some extreme and unique climates.

Unfortunately, time hasn't been kind to my body. Eight years battling cancer and forty-four years of muscular dystrophy caused a major shift in the way I must travel. However, it has restored my faith in humanity. People who normally wouldn't give me a second glance now jog to the door to hold it open for me and my blue cane. Instead of swift movement, they pause so I can be next in line. And it has strengthened my appreciation of my marriage as Terry worked so hard at airports, hotels and other stops so that I can conserve my energy.

This journal is about the 13 days we spent in Alaska. It contains 339 photos, 73 medium resolution videos and thousands of words that occupy a whopping grand total of 6.59 gigabytes. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did experiencing it. Admittedly I am a poor photographer which explains the reason so many photos are labeled with Terry's name. I also took a copious amount of videos this year as I feel they are far more dynamic and exciting. Almost all of the photos and all of the videos were taken with an iPhone 13. It is an impressive little box.

And now my standard warning - Please be advised that all Alaska Railroad yards, sidings, section houses, tunnels, access roads, etc. are posted no trespassing and that entering them without permission is a violation of law. It can also be extremely dangerous. All my photos taken on the property were done under escort with a qualified Alaska Railroad Corporation employee and while wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).


John Combs

Index | Chapter 1